What is Pilates?
Pilates is a method of exercise developed by Joseph H. Pilates in the early 20th century. It involves performing movements in a controlled manner while focusing on maintaining a stable core or "powerhouse" (includes the abdominals, back and buttocks). While coordinating the breath and the flow of movement a body-mind connection is created, which helps to create balance within the body.
Are all Pilates studios the same?
Within the authentic Pilates world, there is a standard of excellence. All Authentic Pilates studios will be working from the same syllabus of exercises and the same movement concepts and the "power-house", etc. Individual teachers will apply that knowledge to their students in their uniquely individual way.
What should I look for in a credible Pilates studio?
Teachers of authentic Pilates are trained in a traditional way, putting in 600 hours of study, observation and apprenticeship before attaining their certification. Look for a studio with teachers who have studied and been certified by one of the Pilates "elders".
How do I get started?
Beginning with a private lesson is extremely important. We offer two different introductory packages. It is very important for the teacher to get an opportunity to understand your issues and goals and to observe and assess you, one on one, as you go through your first lesson. Then we can discuss how to properly move you forward in experiencing Pilates and meeting your needs.
Do I need an Intro Package if I have done Pilates before?
It is always advisable to take one private lesson at a new studio, for basically the same reasons as a beginner: to assess your strengths and needs in order to be placed in the best class for you.
Why should I take classes on the Pilates apparatus instead of just matwork?
Matwork is the foundation of Pilates. In it you learn to use your powerhouse as your anchor and resistance while moving in different ways and planes. The apparatus helps you become more proficient by giving your body, and mind, a framework to work within and by creating new forms of resistance.
Can I do Pilates if I have an injury?
If it is a new injury or serious injury you may need to get a doctor's clearance first. If it is a chronic pain, Pilates may be just the thing for you. There is nothing wrong with doing the vigorous work of Pilates as long as it is done with supervision and at an appropriate level of difficulty for you.

How will Pilates benefit me? Here are some things students
have told us in the past:
"My clothes fit better, but I haven't lost weight."
"I have to adjust the rearview mirror after class because I am
sitting taller." -
"I've been getting compliments on how well I look lately."
"I have more energy and endurance.
"My balance is so much better!"
"My osteopenia has gone away."
"I am so much more aware of my body and how it works
than before."